Saturday, December 10, 2011

December Daily

December 10
I really wanted to partake in the cookie walk at a local church....but instead I had to work. Today was more like a weekday - Jay and I passing each other, I got home from work as he was leaving for work. No family time today. (unlike)  
I am pretty much a tell it like it is kind of girl - I know, I know. I have always been that way - and probably always will be.  A messy house - drives me nuts!, but I have been trying to embrace it - let me explain....I am not talking filth or hoarders messy. 
I am talking working mom with two young boys with a husband that works opposite schedule messy. I have been thinking lately that someday I will miss the random stuffed animal in my bed, pile of toys across the living room, sippy cups and bottles spread across the house or half eaten snacks here and there. Tonight I thought I should take pictures of this mess - I will appreciate it someday (right). Even if I don't appreciate it someday I am hoping that some other mother reading this will think finally I AM NOT ALONE. 
So my Christmas present to all of you - the Joy of seeing another families mess! 

Yes he was playing with feminine products while I did laundry.

All the mess is worth it - snuggling with Carson watching Polar Express.

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