Sunday, December 16, 2012

December Daily | 12.15.2012

We spent the day doing a little shopping at Mernards & Target - the boys always love the carts with the car in the front.

December Daily | 12.14.2012

Tonight the boys had a sleep over at Birdie & Pa's house.
(Carson doesn't care for his picture taken anymore, grr).
They took them to see christmas lights and also got to find a special prize hidden when they got home to Birdie & Pa's house. (somehow my boys get a prize - everytime they go to birdie's - they aren't spoiled or anything, :))
Jason & I enjoyed dinner at Firehouse - kid free!! (I mean that in the nicest way)

December Daily | 12.13.2012

Today was a very long day for me at work so for today's blog I want to go back in time a little - 6 years back.........what a journey it has been.  Six years ago Christmas time was much different.  Jason was six months into treatment for his brain cancer.  Full of emotions to look back on that time.

December Daily | 12.12.2012

Today marked 12.12.12 in celebration of the historic date Woody the Elf made the house look festive and fun with garland hanging everywhere in the living room.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December Daily | 12.11.2012

To be honest it is kind of a boring week - nothing special going on...just normal life. Tuesday is an early class for Jason's workout schedule, which means sometimes we have to swap kids & cars.
Tonight when we did Carson was in a sleep-coma and even after bringing him inside this is how he slept for another hour.  While Carson caught some zzzz's Cooper and I did some pre-shop coupon planning! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December Daily | 12.10.2012

Just another manic monday wish it were coop - he loves eating more than anything!

Monday, December 10, 2012

December Daily | 12.9.2012

lazy days of winter........we woke to a house full of GIRLS!  That only happens occasionally since I am out numbered by boys.

then off to grandmothers house we go.....
we spent the afternoon lounging and hanging with family.